Supernormal by Meg Jay is a non-fiction book that explores the concept of resilience and how it develops in individuals who have experienced significant adversity in their lives. The author draws on her extensive experience as a clinical psychologist and her research on the subject to provide a nuanced and insightful look at how individuals can overcome adversity and develop resilience.
My Comments
This book was hard to read. I had put it down a couple of times but resolved to finish it. I was glad that I did. It wasn’t something I’d suggest others read. It reminded me of much of my childhood and what I considered unfair or wrong. I made my peace with that a long time ago but this book brought back a number of memories. I truly believe each of us have had to endure hard times. Each of us are impacted by our surroundings. Some may be better than others but we each have those moments that define us. They make us “us”.
I wouldn’t recommend this book unless you have a strong interest in the subject matter. It was a solid read but painful for me at times. I was left feeling I needed to fact check a number of citations. (Studies I hadn’t heard of and the like.) Still, there was enough “truthiness” to it that I didn’t bother.