Ready Player 1


Wade is just a poor boy, he needs no sympathy… In the future, the earth is broken. Ravaged by climate change and by a shortage of natural resources, it is a bleak time to live. However, you can virtually live inside a video game known as “The Oasis”.

The man who created The Oasis died a very rich man and will give his vast fortune to the first player who finds his Easter Egg.

Ready Player One
Ready Player One

My Comments

I haven’t been able to put this one down. I love all the 80’s comments and references. It’s like being brought back to my childhood. I’m excited for the movie and I’m glad I read the book first. I could do without the profanity and if you stop and think about the dystopian world in which they lived, it is pretty terrifying… Still, fun story.

My Recommendations

I’d wait till I was 14 or so to read it due to some of the scenes being a little off color and the general bad language. However, I have a hard time thinking most people (who didn’t grow up playing video games and role playing games in the 80s) won’t get most of the references. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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