The Long Earth is a science fiction novel by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, first published in 2012. The story follows the adventures of a group of people who discover that they can step sideways into parallel universes that are almost identical to our own, but with subtle differences. The group uses this ability to explore these new worlds and to try to find a way to stop a mysterious force that is trying to destroy them.
The Long Earth was a critical and commercial success, and it was nominated for the Arthur C. Clarke Award. It has been praised for its humor, its originality, and its thought-provoking exploration of the nature of reality.
My Thoughts
This was such and interesting book and was one of those concepts you can step back and reflect on for some time. Terry Pratchett is a master of storytelling and really brought me into the story. Much can be extrapolated from the text; theories of evolution, science, chaos theory, multiverse, and so on.
Long but enjoyable.