In the Garden of Beasts


In the garden of beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin is about the Dodd family and their experience in pre-WWII Germany. William Dodd, the American Ambassador to Germany in the 30s, lived in Berlin with his family, including his daughter Martha. Mr. Dodd hoped that Germany’s government would never take on beliefs and practices of the Nazi party forming under his nose.

In the Garden of Beasts
In the Garden of Beasts

My Thoughts

I enjoyed the description of how the Nazis came into power and how so many of the people really couldn’t believe what was going on. As our country is going through a populist phase, it is all too easy to draw parallels to the same kind of things happening today in our very own great country. Freedom of speech and religion is overwhelming important. We can not lose these freedoms…


I became a little lost with all the characters introduced in the book. It was an important book and I’m glad I read it but I had to push through some slow periods.

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