Ezra is found in the Old Testament of King James Bible. Originally Ezra was combined with Nehemiah and is the last book(s) of the Hebrew Bible. Cyrus and later Darius (kings of Persia) allow the Jews to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Ezra prays and gets the people back on track…
My Thoughts
As this is the first time I’ve included scripture in this blog, I wanted to give a quick reference as to why. I read scripture daily though it is only a chapter or 2. There are times I jump around but I’ve been plowing through the Old Testament recently. My current intent is to finish it but I’ve been known to be distracted…
The book of Ezra is hard to keep straight because it isn’t in chronological order. Lots of genealogy is listed (“Of the sons of…”) and it really doesn’t flow. This is definitely a book that it was helpful to do a little background reading while I was reading.
Find yourself a good Bible study guide and have fun!