Published in 1987, “Mort” is a novel by Terry Pratchett, and part of the Discworld series. The story follows Mort, an awkward and unhappy apprentice to his family’s farm, who is unexpectedly taken on as an apprentice by Death himself. Mort learns the ropes of his new job, which includes collecting souls and ferrying them to the afterlife. He also begins to question the nature of death and his own place in the world.
Mort’s journey takes him to all corners of the Discworld, where he encounters a variety of characters, including the witches Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, the wizard Rincewind, and the vampire lord Krok. Along the way, he learns about the importance of life, death, and free will.
My Thoughts
This was such a good book! British whimsy regarding death himself! This has been my favorite book so far in the series.
Great read. Highly suggested.