Published in 1988, “Sourcery” is the fifth installment in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. The story revolves around a young boy named Coin, the eighth son of an eighth son, who inherits unimaginable magical powers as a Sorcerer. With the ability to bend reality to his will, Coin becomes a threat to the balance of power on Discworld. As chaos ensues and the fabric of reality starts to unravel, the inept wizard Rincewind is reluctantly pulled into the turmoil, joined by an eccentric cast of characters. As they navigate through the whimsical and dangerous world of magic, Pratchett weaves a tale filled with sharp humor, sharp social commentary, and a dash of philosophical reflection on power and responsibility.
My Thoughts
I loved Rincewind’s part in this book. He continues to become more interesting as the installments continue. Also, the introduction of Cohen’s daughter and the aspiring barbarian Nijel. So much fun!
Another fun read. Not as good as Mort but still worth the time and attention.