Published in 2022, “Born to Run 2” is the sequel to “Born to Run” (2009). Both were written by Christopher McDougall and explores the author’s journey to of the events after the first book. In this book, McDougall delves into practical exercises and still continues his belief the science, biomechanics, and natural form of running for the human body. He also gives some histories of people who made an appearance in his first book.
My Thoughts
I was one of those people who bought minimalist shoes and went running after reading his first book. I ran almost daily back in those days and it is the only thing I miss about my time working in Washington D.C.
This book almost had me buying a new pair of shoes and start running again. (I still have my old pair because they almost never wear out but according to this book, I bought them too small). I currently am laid up due to some plantar fasciitis in my foot. However, McDougall gives specific exercises to deal with it. I still may…
This is a bit of a niche read and meant as more of a reference but it was worth my attention.