Published in February of 2022, “Deterrence Expedition” is the third book in Ross Buzzell’s Legacy Earth series. The story unfolds two years after a devastating attack that left 80,000 people dead, with evidence pointing to a Galio super-weapon as the cause. As Earth faces mounting threats from the galaxy’s most powerful empire, Lieutenant Lance Warder is thrust into a dangerous mission to stop the impending onslaught. Joined by the enigmatic Jarog operative Valdivia, Warder and his team must navigate the complexities of interstellar politics and warfare, uncovering hidden dangers as they march into unexplored space. The novel explores themes of resilience, duty, and the harsh realities of a galaxy on the brink of war​.
My Thoughts
Lance Warder does it again with his manly swagger. This futuristic John Wayne takes on all comers and comes out the other side victorious. The reader had a chance to see some new cultures and species but they all seem to be cut from the same cloth.
The books are getting a bit predicable.