Simply Lies


Published in April of 2023, “Simply Lies” is a stand alone crime thriller by David Baldacci. The story follows a single mom and former detective ‘Mickey Gibson’ who has let herself go while trying to find the balance between her personal and professional life.

She works at home for ProEye, a global investigation company that specializes in finding proof of white collar crime and hidden assets. Gibson receives a call from what she believes to be her working peer and hurries out to what she believes is a simple cataloging task. However, she quickly finds herself brought into a murder and becomes a suspect.

Now she must solve the crime while running for her life and the life of her family.

Simply Lies
Simply Lies

My Thoughts

This was a dumb book. It was a well written dumb book but still wasn’t worth the time to anyone who takes a step back to think about the basic plot. She had no reason to involve herself in almost any of the circumstances and, as a former cop, would have known to better on several occasions. This book did hold my attention but was full of the almost campy mystery tropes. (E.g. Secret rooms, completely random clues that make no sense, and just plain dumb people.)


Skip this one.