Eric: A Discwork Novel


Published in 1990, “Eric,” written by Terry Pratchett, is the ninth installment in the Discworld series. It follows the misadventures of a teenage demonologist named Eric Thursley, who inadvertently summons the inept wizard Rincewind instead of a powerful demon. With the help of Rincewind, Eric embarks on a comical journey through various dimensions, encountering a host of bizarre characters and situations. As they navigate this chaotic multiverse, they also cross paths with the ancient and capricious Discworld deity, the Great Tortoise.


My Thoughts

The Multiverse doesn’t belong to Marvel as Terry Pratchett did it 25 years before. Eric, the great and powerful, was an interesting jump through time and space that put classic Pratchett clueless Brits in the craziest of circumstances. 9 books in now, there seems to be some overlap in the basic dumb Brit that Pratchett has created but they seem to get the job done.

On a separate note, the luggage becomes truly terrifying in this book. More than simply indestructible as in previous books, the luggage has now developed a mean streak.


A good read.