The High Republic: Light of the Jedi


“The High Republic” is a multimedia publishing initiative set in the Star Wars universe, with various authors contributing to novels, comics, and other media. Set approximately 200 years before the events of “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace,” it explores a time of peace and prosperity in the galaxy, known as the High Republic era. The Jedi Order is at its zenith, acting as guardians of peace and justice. However, this era faces a new threat from a mysterious group known as the Nihil, who disrupt the harmony of the galaxy. As the Jedi and other characters strive to confront this menace, they grapple with moral dilemmas and challenges that test their commitment to the light side of the Force. “The High Republic” was launched in January 2021 with various publications, and new additions have continued to expand the story in the years following.

This book, “Light of the Jedi” shows the rise of the Nilhil starting with the Great Disaster when a ship was destroyed while in hyperspace, resulting in pieces of it threatening to destroy an entire system.

The High Republic
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi

My Thoughts

Such a dumb book… The author has no idea about physics or how ridiculous most of the events were throughout the book. I found myself audibly saying “No, no, no!” Several times through the book.


Don’t waste your time.