Published in September of 2023, Brad Stulberg’s “Master of Change” presents a novel approach to navigating life’s constant changes. It combines insights from contemporary science and age-old wisdom, advocating for a mindset that embraces flexibility and resilience. The book offers strategies for engaging positively with change, highlighting the roles of expectations, identity, and proactive actions in overcoming challenges. Stulberg aims to alter our perspective on change, encouraging growth and adaptability in the face of uncertainty.
My Thoughts
“Life is pain Highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.” That quote from “The Princess Bride” could well have been, “Life is Change” according to this book. I agree with the thought that life continues to change and move us along and we need to continually adapt to what it brings us. This requires us to have a level of self actualization that I doubt many people take the time to acquire.
Not a bad book.