Published in 1995, “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society,” by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, delves into the psychological impact of killing on soldiers and law enforcement officers. Grossman combines historical data, interviews, and psychological research to explore the resistance humans have to taking life and the techniques developed by the military to overcome this inhibition. The book examines the consequences of killing, including post-traumatic stress disorder and other long-term psychological effects. Grossman’s work is a seminal exploration of the complex interplay between the duty to kill in certain professions and the innate human aversion to taking life, offering crucial insights into the human psyche and the societal implications of institutionalized violence.
My Thoughts
This book was not what I thought it was going to be. It shed new light on the personal struggles that men have had killing others for centuries. I was introduced to a side of the military I don’t often see and have more hope for humanity because of it.
This can be a rough book for those who are sensitive.