Published in 2013, “Steelheart,” is a novel set in a dystopian world where individuals with extraordinary powers, known as Epics, rule with tyranny and oppression. The story follows David Charleston, who seeks revenge against the most powerful Epic, Steelheart, for the murder of his father. As David joins a group of rebels called the Reckoners, he delves into the mystery surrounding the Epics and their weaknesses, ultimately confronting Steelheart and his minions.
My Thoughts
I’ve been reading a great deal of Brandon Sanderson and much of it has to do with his writing style. So far, I’ve enjoyed nearly everything that he has put forward.
This book started a little more violent than his usual work and there is so much the reader is left to wonder as the world starts unfolding. That continued to the end where there are so many questions to be answered.
This is the classic hero’s tale and Sanderson didn’t push the protagonist’s abilities too far in the first installment. It was very well written and has been one of the few books that kept me wanting to read more.
If you are in to super powers, heroes, n’ such, this is a great book.