Divergent is the story of post-apocalyptic world where the main character is just coming of age. It is part of the Divergent Trilogy and was made into a movie by the same name a mere 3 years after the book’s release.
My Thoughts
I haven’t seen the movie and I don’t know that I will. This book reads a lot like the Twilight Series. That is to say it is teenage girl fodder. It is a decent story and all but there are some surprisingly sensual parts of it that I don’t think the average teenager needs in their life. As a forty something man, it was a bit comical to read about the male characters. If you dropped a teenage girl in the body of man and she tried to act male, this is what you would get.
Just like Twilight, it was made into a movie pretty quickly after the books. It feels a bit like it was made for it.
Probably stick to the movie on this one and skip the book.