Published in Jan of 2015, “Firefight” “Firefight” is a science fiction novel by Brandon Sanderson and is the second book in the Reckoners series. We follow the protagonist David Charleston as he continues his battle against the Epics, superpowered individuals who have subjugated Earth. In this installment, David travels to the city of Babilar (formerly Manhattan) to confront a powerful Epic named Regalia. As he delves deeper into the mysterious workings of the Epics’ powers, David grapples with his feelings for Megan, an Epic whose abilities and intentions remain unclear. “Firefight” blends action, mystery, and romance, expanding the Reckoners’ universe and exploring themes of power, redemption, and identity.
My Thoughts
Extremely readable and a great sequel. It had all the trimmings; more character development, a continuing story, the same tone and pacing, inside jokes from the first novel, and (of course), exposition. Much like producer Joss Whedon, Sanderson isn’t afraid to break a few eggs in his characters as well. Scattered through the book are some pretty expected graphic deaths of people the reader has learned to know and love. Honestly, I had a hard time putting this one down.
Great book. I’m excited to get to the next one in the series.