Published in November of 2018, “Skyward” by Brandon Sanderson, follows the journey of Spensa, a young girl living on the planet Detritus, who dreams of becoming a pilot like her father. Her world is under constant attack by mysterious aliens known as the Krell, causing the people to live under military rule just to survive. Despite societal prejudices against her family due to her father and her own personal challenges, Spensa strives to prove her worth and uncover the truth about her father’s past.
My Thoughts
Another book by Sanderson that took a minuted to get going, but I really enjoyed it. I was home sick while I was reading this book and loved that I could just devour it. It kept my full attention for hours and I’m looking forward to the sequel.
That said, “Spin” is a little overpowered and somewhat reminiscent of “Bella” Swan from Twilight. We don’t get much of a description of her other that she was small with brown hair (and eats rats). However, just like “Bella”, she has some unexplained secret powers that save the day in the end. Regardless, her character was much less brooding and more fun than Twilight. She went through the standard hero’s journey and actually grew through the story. Her spunk and resilience were tempered with her eventual acceptance of her humanity and finding comradery.
Great book.