Published in November of 2019, “Starsight,” by Brandon Sanderson, is the sequel to “Skyward,” continuing the story of Spensa Nightshade as she strives to uncover the secrets of her world and her own mysterious heritage. In this installment, Spensa infiltrates the alien Superiority, a coalition of alien races that oppresses humanity. Posing as an alien pilot, she navigates through a complex web of political intrigue, battles, and alliances, all while grappling with her own identity and the immense power within her.
My Thoughts
This story seemed to fly by as it easy to read and a fun story. Much like Dr. Seuss’s, “Stars Upon Thars” the lesson we learn is we are all people despite our differences. This concept hits the protagonist hard as she never thought the people oppressing her could be people as well. At the end, this very concept saves the day with the delver. It was a little heavy handed at times and delved into the who “They, Them” pronoun stuff, but still a good time.
I liked it.