Published on November 2013, “Mitosis,” by Brandon Sanderson, is a novella set in the Reckoners universe, bridging the gap between “Steelheart” and “Firefight.” The story follows David Charleston and the Reckoners as they continue their fight against the superpowered Epics in the dystopian city of Newcago. When a new Epic named Mitosis arrives, possessing the ability to create deadly clones of himself, David and his team must confront this new threat. The novella explores themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the ongoing struggle against tyranny in a world where extraordinary powers often lead to extraordinary corruption.
My Thoughts
A fun and very quick read of the first Epic to come looking for “Steelslayer.” It was a bit of nostalgia to read of an earlier time when “Prof” hadn’t turned and David needed to start acting on his own. I found this book fit very well between the first two books of the Reckoners series.
Not needed for the larger story but still fun.