Published in 2006, “Mistborn: The Final Empire” by Brandon Sanderson, is a fantasy novel set in a world where ash falls from the sky and mist dominates the nights. The story follows Vin, a street urchin with hidden abilities, who is recruited by the charismatic Kelsier to join a rebellion against the Lord Ruler, an immortal tyrant who has oppressed the people for a thousand years. Utilizing Allomancy, a magical system that allows certain individuals to ingest and “burn” metals to gain supernatural powers, Vin and Kelsier’s crew undertake a daring plan to overthrow the Final Empire and ignite hope among the oppressed skaa population.
My Thoughts
This was a fun book. In many ways, it is the usual story of a lowly person who has something special about them and saves the day as they grow into themselves and their power. We all love a good hero’s journey and this one did not disappoint.
The idea about “burning metals” for powers was a fun take on magic as was storing things in metal for later use. However, unlike the “White Gold Wielder” series, Sanderson understands that the metals in his stories are alloys or blends of metals. I wasn’t forced to suspend that bit of reality while I was swallowing that pewter could make you strong and fast.
After I had finished the book, I had an odd thought about the parallels between “faruchemy” and exercise. In faruchemy, a person can store up strength and stamina in a metal by becoming weaker for a time. In exercise, a person can become stronger and increase their endurance by forcing their body to move weights or run and thus making it weaker. It’s certainly not a perfect analogy, but maybe it will give me some motivation.
Good book