Published in 2016, “The Librarians and the Lost Lamp” by Greg Cox, is an adventure novel that ties into the television series “The Librarians.” The story spans two timelines, beginning in 2006 when Flynn Carsen, the lead Librarian, embarks on a quest to find Aladdin’s fabled lamp. Ten years later, the new team of Librarians—Eve, Jake, Cassandra, and Ezekiel—must track down the same artifact before it falls into the wrong hands. The novel weaves together elements of magic, history, and mythology as the Librarians race against time to prevent the lamp’s immense power from being unleashed, while navigating ancient secrets, dangerous traps, and cunning adversaries.
My Thoughts
I was discussing books with a group of friends when one of them suggested this series. I put the first book on hold and didn’t think much about it. I believe I would have enjoyed the book more if I were familiar with the series and its characters. However, since I wasn’t, the characters seemed flat and stereotypical. It’s aimed at young readers, so I didn’t have high expectations, but I still felt disappointed throughout the book. So much of the book was telegraphed with the exception of the ending, which was seemed ridiculous.
Watch the TV show. Apparently it has John Larroquette in it.