Published in 2013, “The World According to Bob,” by James Bowen, continues the true story of his life with Bob, the streetwise cat who helped him overcome addiction and homelessness. This sequel delves into their deepening bond as they face new challenges brought on by James’s sudden fame following the success of his first book. Through short anecdotes, Bowen reflects on the lessons he learns from Bob about trust, loyalty, and the true meaning of companionship, showcasing how Bob continues to be a source of strength and inspiration in his life.
My Thoughts
I had some time to kill at the library and did a walk around through the biography section when I saw this book. Having not read the first book, or heard anything about it, the second looked like a fun read. My youngest noticed it in my room and took it from me that evening. Yet another testament to the power Bob has over us mere humans…
The book was just ok though. It wasn’t terrible and I enjoyed the stories, yet I felt like it could be more. I did enjoy the illustrations and I was glad I had the physical book so I could enjoy them. I wish James and Bob the best, but likely won’t be reading any of the other books.
You have to love Bob!