Published in 2011, “The Alloy of Law” by Brandon Sanderson is a fantasy adventure that takes place 300 years after the events of the original Mistborn trilogy. The story introduces Waxillium Ladrian, a noble-turned-lawman who returns to the metropolis of Elendel after years spent in the untamed Roughs. Wax, possessing Allomantic and Feruchemical powers, must navigate a new era of technology, blending magic with industrial-age innovations.
My Thoughts
Although, it’s hard to miss the pun of the names of the main characters and the fundamental concepts of metallurgy are still too far fetched, I really enjoyed the book. Wax is a fun character without being over the top and Wayne does a great job at the comic relief. Throw in a young woman infatuated with the protagonist and you have yourself a story. This story however, leaves the main character pining for his late wife and he is refraining from the woman throughout the book. It was an interesting counterpoint to the usual tension between a potential couple.
As usual, found Sanderson’s writing to be engaging and just plain fun to read.
Great book, I’m excited for the next one in the series.