

Slaughterhouse-Five is a novel written by Kurt Vonnegut that follows the life of Billy Pilgrim, a World War II soldier who becomes “unstuck in time” and experiences his life in a non-linear fashion. The novel explores the themes of the destructiveness of war and the inevitability of fate, while also incorporating elements of science fiction and satire. Billy’s experiences as a prisoner of war and a witness to the bombing of Dresden are juxtaposed with his later life as an optometrist and his encounters with aliens from the planet Tralfamadore. Through Billy’s story, Vonnegut challenges traditional notions of storytelling and the linearity of time, ultimately questioning the human capacity for compassion and understanding in the face of senseless violence.


My Thoughts

I wasn’t impressed with this one. Vonnegut is a master writer to be sure. His method of writing comes across as both easy and sincere and the reader is effortlessly transported to the story.

However, the story was very strange. I actually liked that it was disjointed and the concept of time travel through life moments was a very interesting thought. When put in context of when this book was released, it was lightyears ahead of it’s time (pardon the pun).

My Recommendation

This book belongs to a different era and was written for a different audience. It is great for historical perspective but I didn’t enjoy it. “So it goes.”

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