This is the sequel to Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers. Mary Poppins pops back into the lives of the Banks children as quickly as she left the first time. However, this time she comes down the string that Michael Banks sent up on a kite.
My Thoughts
I was not happy with the “Mary Poppins Returns” that came out recently as a sequel to the first. (With the exception of the cameo by Dick Van Dyke.) Anyway, I was surprised how many things that happened in the movie actually happened in these books. Going into the pottery, the floating laughing uncle and so on. Mary Poppins is a conceded vain know it all who gaslights others when they see something was amiss. I didn’t really get that feel from the Disney films.
It was a good easy read. I appreciated the chance to learn more about the Pre-Disney Mary Poppins.