American Dirt
Originally published in 2018, the book had a huge bump by Oprah endorsing it for her book club in Jan 2020. It is the story of a mother and her son fleeing from the cartels in Mexico to seek refuge in America.
My Thoughts
Pure crap. I didn’t like the book at all. The story does move you forward and keeps you wondering what comes next until you stop and think about what stereotypical drivel you are reading. It is obviously a bleeding-heart dig at the situation at the border and was written during the Trump administration. (I doubt it would be as popular if released today.) The characters are overblown and they try so hard to make them relatable. However, it is so over the top, I just couldn’t buy into it.
My mother-in-law is reading it for her book club so I decided to read it. I didn’t know what it was or what it was about when I picked it up. It was extremely validating to see all the controversy about it and how many others shared my thoughts. I particularly enjoyed watching Oprah try to back-peddle and saw how it blew up in everyone’s face.
Pure crap. Don’t even bother with it.