A Crown of Swords


Published in May of 1996, A Crown of Swords is the 7th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Rand is accompanied by Min throughout most of the book and becomes needed in his quest. Lan comes back and is given a new purpose. Elaine and Nynaeve search for the “Bowl of the Winds” and Mat finds he doesn’t like to be the one being chased.

A Crown of Swords
A Crown of Swords

My Thoughts

There were a couple of big changes in this installment. First, there seems to be a whole lot of people who can channel. That’s quite the departure from what we’ve been lead to believe so far. There are 1000+ ladies in Ebou Dar? There are suddenly hundreds of men who can channel? Very strange… Second, folks are starting to get along. (Though they are still pretty petty.)

I was glad that Nynaeve can finally channel without having to get angry. That was getting tiresome. On that note, I still don’t see what Lan sees in her. That little love story bothers me. It’s too convenient and doesn’t seem to be based on anything.


All whining aside, I enjoyed it.

The Lord of Chaos


Published in Oct of 1994, and over 1000 pages long, The Lord of Chaos is the sixth book in the Wheel of Time series. The book sees Rand captured and abused by Aes Sedai from the tower. He is freed by his friends but he will never trust quite the same. Perrin comes back into the story and his fame grows. Egwene becomes the new Amyrlin over the broken rebel faction of Aes Sedai and she makes Nynaeve and Elayne Aes Sedai as well.

Lord of Chaos
Lord of Chaos

My Thoughts

I like how Egwene grows in this book. Her time with the wise ones seems to have been well spent as it has prepped her to deal with the Aes Sedai who want to use her. You have to feel for Rand as he has to go through some real abuse at the hands of the Reds.


A good read.

The Fires of Heaven


Published in Oct of 1993, The Fires of Heaven is the fifth book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. This book sees Rand firmly placed as the “Car’a’carn” or chief of chiefs over all Aiel but the Shaido. He has to catch them before they lay siege to the rest of the world. The White Tower is broken and a new Amyrlin Seat begins to rule. The forsaken (Rahvin and Moghedien more specifically) are still loose and must be dealt with.

The Fires of Heaven
The Fires of Heaven

My Thoughts

This one took me longer to get through than I would have expected. It kept me interested but hasn’t been my favorite thus far. The illustrations are pretty bad on the cover which bothered me more than it should have done while I was reading it.


A must read to get through the series.

The Shadow Rising


Book 4 in the Wheel of Time series, The Shadow Rising was first published in September of 1992. Robert Jordan shows how prolific and author he is by turning out this 1000+ page book in less than a year from the last.

The Shadow Rising begins setting the stage for the coming battle prophesied with the proclamation of the Dragon Reborn.

The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising

My Thoughts

This book took me more time to get through then it likely should have. However, I really enjoyed the experience. I was compelled to keep reading as I was drawn into the story.

It did take a few to get going though. There was a lot that occurred but really this book was just positioning everyone for the next book. (This is why I believe I stopped reading the series when it came out back in 1993.)


A slow but satisfying read.

The Dragon Reborn


Making us wait an entire 9 months for the next infusion of the “Wheel of Time” series, Robert Jordan released “The Dragon Reborn” in August of 1991. This follows several groups of our protagonists and finally reunites them fulfilling the prophecy of the the Dragon Reborn.

The Dragon Reborn
The Dragon Reborn

My Thoughts

Again a good book but I found the conversations between the women to be a little off. They seem pretty petty and emotional which makes me think the author was hen-pecked by a controlling mother or wife. Maybe I’m off about that…

Anyway, the build up was good but the climax was a bit of a let down. Also, I didn’t like Matt in this book at all. I believe this is the last book I finished in the series when I was younger. If memory serves, the next book is even slower and they introduce more people who didn’t seem to have a place in the story. We will see.


Not the best book in the series but it does continue the story.

The Great Hunt


Released a mere 11 months after The Eye of the World, the 2nd book of the Wheel of Time series “The Great Hunt” came out in November of 1990. This book continues the journey of Rand and his companions to fight against the dark one.

The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt

My Thoughts

I love the difference the span of years make from the first time I read this book to today. Book 2 gives so much more depth to the characters and makes everyone seem a bit more human. I believe Jordan did a good job in letting his characters grow into the roles they need to play.


Great book.

The Eye of the World


Robert Jordan published The Eye of the World in January of 1990. It is the story of some urban teens who suddenly find themselves in the midst of adventure. This is a world of swords and magic where light fights dark and most people just want to be left to themselves.

The Eye of the World
The Eye of the World

My Thoughts

I remember when this book came out and somehow I remember getting a hold of it very early on. I was still in junior high at the time so I don’t know how I got it. However, I do remember not being able to wait for the next one to come out. In particular, I remember trying to keep the flame in my mind and isolating myself from the outside world. (It didn’t quite work out like I intended.)


Great book. I’m enjoying going through it again.

The Martian


Andy Weir’s original book published in 2011 and made into a movie shortly thereafter. It follows an unfortunate astronaut who is stranded on Mars and does his best to survive.

The Martian
The Martian

My Thoughts

With no offense to Matt Damon, the book was indeed better than the movie. There is so much more detail in the book and I really enjoyed it. I was very taken into the character and pulled into the drama of surviving against all odds.


Great book! There was a reason it took the world by storm and became a movie so quickly.

The Turn of the Key


Published in August 2019, “The Turn of the Key” is a suspense novel about a nanny’s new job and how it went so very wrong.

The Turn of the Key
The Turn of the Key

My Thoughts

Really, suspense isn’t my genre of books but I enjoyed it none-the-less. It was well written and kept my attention. I felt like the subject matter was forced at times and the ending didn’t make any sense at all. In fairness, it didn’t see it coming… I had a hard time identifying with the characters though there is always something about being set in Scotland which makes me happy.


I won’t be reading it again but it wasn’t bad.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Book 7 and last of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the culmination and climax of the epic struggle between good wizards and bad. We muggles just didn’t hear about it…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

My Thoughts

I actually liked it better this time around. I’m not sure why, maybe I knew what was happening and was able to accept some of the more campy parts like when Voldemort had his snake kill Snape rather than by wand like everyone else or Harry’s self righteous rants and so on. I just let the story happen and allowed it to take me along.


A great read. I will likely read it again next year 🙂