A Crown of Swords
Published in May of 1996, A Crown of Swords is the 7th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Rand is accompanied by Min throughout most of the book and becomes needed in his quest. Lan comes back and is given a new purpose. Elaine and Nynaeve search for the “Bowl of the Winds” and Mat finds he doesn’t like to be the one being chased.
My Thoughts
There were a couple of big changes in this installment. First, there seems to be a whole lot of people who can channel. That’s quite the departure from what we’ve been lead to believe so far. There are 1000+ ladies in Ebou Dar? There are suddenly hundreds of men who can channel? Very strange… Second, folks are starting to get along. (Though they are still pretty petty.)
I was glad that Nynaeve can finally channel without having to get angry. That was getting tiresome. On that note, I still don’t see what Lan sees in her. That little love story bothers me. It’s too convenient and doesn’t seem to be based on anything.
All whining aside, I enjoyed it.