Brave New World
Originally published in 1932, Brave New World is one of the first dystopian novels and has been the subject of discussion for almost 90 years. Set in some distant future, people are encouraged to forgo their family ties and live only for the good of the whole. They are conditioned to be obedient to authority and are encouraged to pursue cheap pleasures to distract them from anything uncomfortable. They use drugs whenever they feel any need to question or just want to escape. They are repeatedly told, “Everyone is happy” and everyone acts that way or they might have to see the psychologists…
A “savage” from the Indian reservation in Arizona is brought to this world. He was raised by the “old” beliefs of family, religion, and individuality. He finds their world strange but they find him even more so.
My Thoughts
This book effectively makes the argument of there being no real happiness simply by pursuing pleasure and suppressing pain. One can’t know the good from the evil if there is no concept of either. It is particularly interesting to put this work in the context of history as “the war to end all wars” had concluded, the Bolshevik Revolution had occurred and Stalin ran unchecked. The discussions on what constituted an ideal society were being had everywhere and nations were starting to become entrenched in their doctrine.
The book was ahead of its time in many ways. There are some dated references but it could have easily been passed off as something written 50 years later or more. As American society is trending more populist, it is very interesting to read the words of those who went before. Can we learn from the past or do we even bother to listen since so many people give their “revisionist histories” these days.
An important book. It’s worth the time to read it but you may have to plow through sections.