

Divergent is the story of post-apocalyptic world where the main character is just coming of age. It is part of the Divergent Trilogy and was made into a movie by the same name a mere 3 years after the book’s release.


My Thoughts

I haven’t seen the movie and I don’t know that I will. This book reads a lot like the Twilight Series. That is to say it is teenage girl fodder. It is a decent story and all but there are some surprisingly sensual parts of it that I don’t think the average teenager needs in their life. As a forty something man, it was a bit comical to read about the male characters. If you dropped a teenage girl in the body of man and she tried to act male, this is what you would get.

Just like Twilight, it was made into a movie pretty quickly after the books. It feels a bit like it was made for it.


Probably stick to the movie on this one and skip the book.

The Last Battle


The last book of the Narnia Series is the Last Battle. It is the seventh novel in the series and was published in 1956. The story starts many years after the last visit to Narnia with King Tirian now leading the country. There has been peace throughout the years and no one has seen Aslan for so long… Narnia is fooled by a false Aslan and is soon overrun by enemies. The Last Battle is indeed the last battle for Narnia.

The Last Battle
The Last Battle

My Thoughts

So much Christian symbology… Aslan even sets up the analogy of Christ and Satan when he sets himself opposite of Tash. It really was an odd story when you back away from it. The notion all the Narnians could get so worked up over a false prophet… There is precedent enough in  history I suppose. Still, it seemed too easy. They were too trusting…

I enjoyed some of the off moments such as when Aslan demonstrates the dwarves wouldn’t allow themselves to be helped. Also the description of Susan, to paraphrase, ‘she was in such a hurry to get to the silliest part of life and then tries to stay there as long as possible.’

My Recommendation

A fun story and a good read.

The Silver Chair


The Silver Chair was published in 1953 and Decades have passed in Narnia since the Voyage of the Dawn Treader and now King Caspian is an old man. Eustace Scrubb, now in boarding school and having learned not to be such a selfish jerk, finds his way back to Narnia with his school mate Jill Pole. They quickly find themselves on a quest with a “marshwiggle” named Puddleglum.

The Silver Chair
The Silver Chair

My Thoughts

The marshwiggle character was interesting. Why not make up your own creature and put him in the middle of everything. Part mud, part Eeyore, part superhero, Puddleglum is interesting to say the least. He would be a much more fun character if it wasn’t for his worldview. I found I couldn’t connect with the humans very well as neither were that likable.

The story seemed to have a lot of inspiration from Jack and the Beanstalk. (There is a whole giant section…) The whole story seemed to meander around. When we finally meet the missing Prince, the story seems to go very quickly.


Though I enjoyed it more than the last and it was still a good read, it is not my favorite.

A Horse and His Boy


A Horse and His Boy was written after several of the Narnia books were released and chronologically occurs after The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. It is largely the tail of Shasta, a boy who is raised as a slave and ends up on an adventure.

The Horse and His Boy
The Horse and His Boy

My Thoughts

I quite enjoyed this book though it wasn’t the epic which was The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I also hadn’t read it before or at least I didn’t remember it… It was like reading a new book either way and I really enjoyed it.

It is a quick read and it took a while to get moving. However, it had a lot of C.S. Lewis hallmarks; the horse was arrogant and humbled toward the end, the boy thought he was nothing but turned out to be the lost prince and later the king and so on… It had plenty of the archetypal stories we love to hear.


Great book. I would recommend it to anyone and my boys are reading it now.

The Lion the Witch and Wardrobe


CS Lewis’s classic “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” came out in 1950 and has been a classic and required reading in schools all over the world. It has reached every medium (written, video, audio, theater) and has even sunk into the mainstream culture.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

My thoughts

Loved it! It was even better than I remembered though it has been a number of years. I listened to it as an audiobook read by Michael York which was fantastic. Particularly after the last read I was so happy to have a short fun novel.

The first time I read this story was in 3rd grade which would put me at about 8 to 9 years old. I didn’t understand the strong Christian overtones or really even think about what was being said. It was a good story and that’s all I cared about.

It is still a good story but the allegories are very apparent. The sinless sacrifice, the humiliation before such, the rumor of his return and so on. It is my understanding that CS Lewis denied it being intentional but it seems pretty heavy handed when you read it.


I really enjoyed the story and will be coming back. I would recommend it to just about anyone. In fact, it is on the shelf in my living room if you need a copy….

Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour


In Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour, Firestar is the leader of ThunderClan. Tigerstar has further schemes to take over the forest and it is up to Firestar to lead the clans back to their former glory.

The Darkest Hour
The Darkest Hour

My Comments

I enjoyed the ending of the series. I felt I had accomplished something… I took my time reading it and really did enjoy this last book. There were some heavy handed moments, some serious foreshadowing, and one very anticlimactic part but on the whole it was really enjoyable.


A must read if you started the series.

Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path


In A Dangerous Path, Thunderclan Deputy Fireheart has a lot to deal with. The clan leader Bluestar thinks everyone is a traitor and their warrior ancestors have abandoned them. Tigerstar is the leader of Shadow Clan. And there is a pack of dogs loose. What will it all mean?

A Dangerous Path
A Dangerous Path

My Comments

Again a fun book and closer to the end of the series. In this book, we learn more of Starclan and see the end of Bluestar. As Fireheart had been named deputy, it was up to him to figure out what to do. Tigerstar was minding his Ps and Qs but it wasn’t a surprise when we found out he was behind the current tragedy to befall the ThunderClan. All and all, I enjoyed the book. I found the love interest to be about the level of a preteen which is the level of the target audience. Good book…


You have to read them all!

Warriors #4: Rising Storm


Book 4 of the Warriors series is Rising Storm. Our good friend Fireheart was able to see Tigerclaw banished but is he really rid of him? What of his wee kittens? Will they grow to be like their father? (Well, we don’t find out in this book…) Bluestar, the leader of the Thunderclan, starts losing her marbles just after Fireheart is made deputy. Now it all falls to him… Sort of…

Warriors Rising Storm
Warriors Rising Storm

My Comments

A fun read but a little heavy handed on the Tigerclaw eyes and such.

My Recommendation

Good book and an easy read. However, be sure to start with Book 1.

Warriors #3: Forest of Secrets


Book 3 of the Warrior series is Forest of Secrets. Fireheart finds out what really happened to Redtail and the intrigue deepens with Tigerclaw, Graystripe, and the rest.

Forest of Secrets
Forest of Secrets

My Comments

This one went faster for me for some reason. Perhaps it was because I had some time over the weekend to get through it. Either way, it went down well.The kitties are always fun. I’ve enjoyed reading the book and it has been a light-hearted diversion. The real reason I started this series was to keep up with my son who has already finished it and moved on to the next.

My Recommendation

A good read. Good for the kids but start at the first book.

Warriors #2: Fire and Ice


Book 2 of the Warrior series is Fire and Ice. Fireheart continues making his way through the Thunder Clan while watching his back from Tigerclaw and trying to teach his nephew Cloudkit.

Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice

My Comments

I’m reading this series at the same time as my 11 year old son. I have to say, he’s left me in the dust. (Of course, I read other things too but still. I love the boy loves to read!)

The book is a good read. Most of it is pretty simple and the story moves along well. I enjoyed it though it is amusing to think these are fluffy little puddy tats…


It’s a good read and a solid 2nd book in a series.