Elon Musk


Elon Musk is rightly called the real Iron Man with his superhuman like abilities to obsess over every detail and make it right. He allowed this autobiography in 2015 and his story kept on going from there. (This is well before his buying of Twitter.)

Elon Musk
Elon Musk

My Thoughts

I think the comparison with Tony Stark and Elon Musk is more appropriate after I read the book. I’m very thankful for the products and services he is providing but I likely wouldn’t enjoy spending time with him. He is an incredibly driven individual and it is amazing what he has accomplished. Also, I wanted a Tesla before. Now I REALLY want a Tesla. However, I’m far too cheap…


Great book but so much has happened since 2015.

Dolly Parton Songteller


Published in November of 2020, “Dolly Parton Songteller” provides a comprehensive look at the life and music of country music legend Dolly Parton. The book is structured around Parton’s most iconic songs, with each chapter exploring the inspiration, creation, and impact of one of her classic tracks. In addition to exploring the stories behind the music, the book also delves into Parton’s personal life, including her upbringing in rural Tennessee, her rise to fame, and her ongoing philanthropic work. The book features never-before-seen photos, personal anecdotes, and insights from Parton herself.

Dolly Parton Songteller
Dolly Parton Songteller

My Thoughts

This book was a lot of fun. Dolly Parton has always been the life of the party and she didn’t disappoint in this book.


Great book!

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work was published in 1999 by Dr. John Gottman who was the main name in marriage counseling before it got all touchy feely.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

My Thoughts

This book was a joy to re-read. Mostly to freshen up on a bunch of things I don’t do well. This book needs to be on the shelves of every married man.


Phenomenal book!

The Body


Published in 2019, “The Body: A Guide for Occupants” is written by author and physician Dr. Bill Bryson. The book is a fascinating exploration of the human body, covering everything from the digestive system and the immune system to the brain and the reproductive system. Drawing on the latest scientific research as well as historical and cultural perspectives, Bryson takes readers on a journey through the many wonders and complexities of the human body. He also delves into some of the major health challenges facing humanity today, such as obesity and antibiotic resistance.

The Body
The Body

My Thoughts

Bill Bryson did an excellent job of going through the body parts and inserting humor along the way. Mr. Bryson is not a doctor (which my wife correctly pointed out) but a researcher who brought it all under the same topic. I believe he did a good job.


It was worth the time and effort to get through it.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Originally published in 1989 and since republished several times in many different languages. This book has become the de facto standard in self help in the business sphere.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

My Thoughts

This is an outstanding book and I’ve read it several times. It isn’t meant to be read through at one sitting but is better used as a reference. However, I find it is inspiring to listen to and I get more out it each time.


This is a great read for anyone.

The State of Affairs


Published in Oct 2017, The State of Affairs is a book discussing the contemporary view on marriage and sexuality. More particularly about why people stray from their marriages and commitments in general.

The State of Affairs

My Thoughts

Talk about a depressing book! As someone who has experienced divorce and being cheated on, this book was not only painful but insightful. I am consistently trying to learn and grow from my experiences and this book gave me some things to think about.

One of the hardest things of post-marital life is confronting where I had issues. (Some of which I didn’t know about until I remarried.) Some of the main takeaways here was that her affair was different for her than it was for me. This book had me break away from some of the black and white thinking I had on the issue. It also was a good reminder to talk through a dozen more things with my wife.

My favorite line from the book was, “I’d recommend having an affair like I’d recommend getting cancer.” I wholeheartedly agree.


I told my wife it was worth the read but I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.

Write It When I’m Gone


Published in 2007, Write It When I’m Gone is a book of essays and information from a member of the media that followed him through the vice presidency, through the Presidency and beyond.

Write It When I'm Gone
Write It When I’m Gone

My Thoughts

President Ford was outside of my time. All I really knew was the satire and a little bit of the history of that time. This book really changed my perspective in seeing a little bit of the man behind the falls and so on.

A few choice takeaways was how much he didn’t like Ronald Reagan and how approachable he was. I didn’t know about his work outside of the Presidency or how he really set the stage for the modern post-presidential business model.


Another solid read. I enjoyed it.

My Father at 100


Published in January of 2011, My Father at 100 is a biography of President Ronald Reagan from the perspective of his youngest child.

My Father at 100
My Father at 100

My Thoughts

A very interesting read. I have to admit, I didn’t know who the original “Gipper” was or that everyone called President Reagan “Dutch”. Ronald Reagan was the President I remember most from my childhood but there was a lot I missed. In some ways, this book was perfect for me as it gave me a picture of the man from the point of view I had at the time. That of a child…


A good read and worth the time.

Letter to my Daughter


First published in 2009, Letter to my Daughter is a book written by Maya Angelou about lessons learned in her life. It is written in the format of several essays with the tone of a grandmother speaking to a younger person.

Letter to My Daughter
Letter to My Daughter

My Thoughts

I can’t say I liked it. There were some good lessons there but I wouldn’t agree with all of them. I wanted to like it but I was surprised by the amount of bitterness in the book. She was raised in a terrible placed and had experiences I have trouble relating to. With all she had accomplished and the years and years she spent with the respect of so many, it saddened me that the bitterness is still there. It took some of my hope away that we may one day get past the pettiness of skin color.


I can’t recommend it.

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail


Originally published in 1994, Why Marriages Succeed or Fail is a book from Dr. John Gottman about warning signs and what to do if your marriage is in trouble. The book has tests and guides for the individual to help tailor their treatment to their needs.

Why Marriages Succeed of Fail
Why Marriages Succeed of Fail

My Thoughts

A great book full of useful information. You can’t help but be nicer to your spouse while reading the book.

It is from the 90’s though so it was interesting to read through some the statements that likely wouldn’t play well today. (E.g. Gender norms and so on.) I believe we have swung pretty far out there and I believe Dr. Gottman’s book to be closer to my belief system.


Classic great book. Worth the time.