Madeleine Albright


Hell and Other Destinations: A 21st-Century Memoir is the biography of Madeleine Albright who was the first female Secretary of State under President Clinton.

Hell and Other Destinations
Hell and Other Destinations

My Thoughts

I’m always interested in people who have lived interesting lives and that certainly applies to Madeleine Albright. As an immigrant from Eastern Europe, she certainly had some interest in the world outside of the United States.

I enjoyed hearing about her journey and how she thought others perceived her. I even enjoyed hearing about her pins and feel like I’m part of the insider crowd by knowing about them. The book was well written and I feel it did a good job representing her personality and beliefs. (For all I know about them.)

In general, I’m not really a fan of hers when it comes to politics. The world is a complex place and it is imperative we understand other countries. I believe she does a good job of that. However, I don’t share her optimize that most people in power will work for the good of everyone. It is sad commentary but people in power rarely want to give it up and do destructive things when they are faced with the possibility.


As hers is a name to know, I recommend the book.

Don’t Burn this Book


Published in April of 2020, “Don’t Burn this Book” is the story of how a gay-Jewish-liberal crossed into “Classical Liberalism”.

Don't Burn this Book
Don’t Burn this Book

My Thoughts

Another book I really didn’t know what it was about until I started reading it. I was pleased with the read. It served to reinforce a lot of my existing stereotypes of both liberals and conservatives and had the added bonus of reminding me that I had stereotypes. The irony of the book trying to teach critical thinking while stroking my ego didn’t go unnoticed.

I certainly agree that the media is far too political. I go out of my way to find some news source that just gives the news without just spitting out their tribal loyalty. (I don’t know that really exists.)

Dave gave some well reasoned arguments and I like he had the guts to stand up for what he thinks is right. He also had a lot of praise for Dr. Jordan Peterson who I have followed for some time now. Both of which, I liked…


Great read and worth the time.

Relationship Goals


Published in April of 2020, “Relationship Goals” is advice on marriage, dating, and all the things that go with it from Michael Todd (and a little from his wife.)

Relationship Goals
Relationship Goals

My Thoughts

I really liked this book. Michael is unashamedly Christian and actually quotes the Bible! For real! The actual Bible… It wasn’t the King James version but it was close enough for me. I get fairly impatient with people who reference the Bible when they obviously have no idea what it says or what they are talking about.

Anyway, I found his advice both spot on and needed for today. This was the best put argument for the law of chastity that I have seen in a long time.


Love it! Great book.

Your Blue Flame


“Your Blue Flame” was published in April of 2020 by Jennifer Fulwiler who has a radio talk show on SiriusXM and is a standup comedian. In this book, she challenges readers to follow their passions and do the things they were meant to do in this life.

Your Blue Flame
Your Blue Flame

My Thoughts

First, I had never heard of Jennifer Fulwiler and had no idea what the book was about. (It was listed under Biography which it sort of is.) As I started into it, I thought, “Oh great! Another you-can-do-it book”. It was just that but, this time, I actually thought of a couple of things I’ve been meaning to do.

This book had my mind turning and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t think I would but I was wrong.

Of course, there are problems with just following your passion and Jennifer did a good job of giving some ideas about it. However, some things just have to be done. For example, someone has to clean the toilet. I’m sure that isn’t their “blue flame” or what they were meant to do. However, I have 3 boys, that toilet needs attention…


A good read. Particularly if you need some motivation.

I’m Your Huckleberry


Published in April of 2020, famed actor Val Kilmer talks about his life and experiences in, “I’m Your Huckleberry”.

I'm Your Huckleberry
I’m Your Huckleberry

My Thoughts

I have always liked Val Kilmer and the roles he has played. I didn’t know he was the youngest person to attend “the” Juilliard School or that his 1 time Batman was due to the chance to work with Robert Deniro and Al Pachino. (I pity I never bothered to see that movie…)

Honestly, there have been rare exceptions of celebrities whose thoughts I care about. I don’t see them as our mentors or think they are people we should aspire to be like. Val Kilmer is an interesting person and has had an interesting life. There were so many famous people he either dated or crashed at their place that I lost track. However, he is a little too out there for my tastes. I find his dedication to love admirable and I wish him all the best!


A very interesting read.

Sigh, Gone


Published in April of 2020, “Sigh, Gone” is the autobiography of an immigrant from Vietnam and his experiences growing up in America.

Sigh, Gone
Sigh, Gone

My Thoughts

It was a pretty good book all and all. I didn’t care for the amount of strong language in it but I guess that was his experience. It was also refreshing to hear from another perspective of someone identifying as “other”, as the sociologists say. Phuc really had a hard time navigating through what was expected of him both of society and his family.

The unspoken truth is we all have had the same experiences. Yes, there are certainly those who had it worse than others but all of us identify as the “other” and have had to try to “fit in” at some point or another. We all experience confusion and all have baggage from their parents.

I’d encourage anyone who thinks America is a terrible place to do some traveling. Phuc tells about how he won the Thanksgiving theme essay contest because he was simply thankful his grandparents were “safe in America”. I’ve lived abroad for a time and there are certainly worse places than the USofA.


It was a captivating read and interesting subject. However, there is a lot of strong language and less-than-ideal content. (There is a reason the author forbade his children from reading it till they were at least 16.)

The Lincoln Conspiracy


Published in May of 2020, “The Lincoln Conspiracy” is the story of the first plot to kill Abraham Lincoln before he was able to take office. This book also gives the beginnings of the Pinkerton Detective Agency and gives some background on the first woman detective.

The Lincoln Conspiracy
The Lincoln Conspiracy

My Thoughts

Yet another testament to the character of our most beloved president, Abraham Lincoln. The more I read about the man, the more I like him.

Of course, it’s hard to look through the glass of time and really distinguish the man from the myth. He was the classic underdog. He was belittled, hated, and eventually murdered and yet still did what he thought was right. Not a bad way to live. It really is a pity we have so few shining examples of integrity today.


Great read and worth the time.

The Book of Eels


Published in 2019 and then published in English in May 2020, Swedish author Patrik Svensson leads the readers through the life and history of Eels. He also gives a history of mankind’s relationship with them.

The Book of Eels
The Book of Eels

My Thoughts

When I saw this book, I thought, “why not”. I wasn’t excited by it but I’m interested in just about everything so… Why not?

I’m so glad I read it. Eels are truly interesting creatures and I had no idea about them. I didn’t know about their lifecycles or how long they live. I really didn’t know that we didn’t know that much about them. Such a weird tale and a surprising cameo by Sigmond Freude…


Loved it! It is a little bit like stereo instructions at places but I liked it none the less.

The Religion of Small Societies


Published in Sep of 2006, “The Religion of Small Societies” is an attempt to understand the spirituality and mysticism of cultures who predate or are outside of the mainstream religions.

The Religion of Small Societies
The Religion of Small Societies

My Thoughts

This book had some interesting insights into cultures I didn’t know about or really thought about. We, as humans, are very good about building patterns and beliefs. It was interesting to hear about what others really do believe and why they do the things they do.


Unless you are interested in anthropology, I’d skip this one.

24: Life Stories and Lessons from the Say Hey Kid


Published in May of 2020, “24” is the biography of Willie Mays. The pretty amazing story of one of the most famous and accomplished baseball players of all time.

24 Life Stories and Lessons from the Say Hey Kid
24 Life Stories and Lessons from the Say Hey Kid

My Thoughts

Beyond his raw talent and love of the game, I loved that he was just a good person doing his best. Really, that was what stood out to me. Everyone said he was a good guy and was great to be around. Who can ask for more than that?


If you like baseball and/or a good underdog story. Look no further!