What Makes a Marriage Last
This compilation of marriage advice was published in May of 2020 just as we were settling into our pandemic lockdowns. Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue interview the famous who somehow managed to avoid divorce throughout their storied careers.
My Thoughts
It took me a few days to get through it. Not because it was hard to read or wasn’t interesting but rather, it caused me to stop and think about things in my own marriage and circumstances for a bit. My poor wife had to endure me giving her bits of advice I had picked up from the book.
This book wasn’t really a deep dive into marital psychology. It was sort of like your great aunt giving you advice on your wedding day. You realize it is likely good to know but until you’ve had some experience, it doesn’t really seem to apply. I’ve spent over 20 years being married so I was listening a bit better this time around.
I liked the book and it was worth the time to read. However, I’d imagine those of you who can name more YouTubers than celebrities likely won’t have any idea who most of the people are (including the authors).