Think Like a Monk


Published in Sep of 2020, Think Like a Monk is the quasi-autobiographical experiences of a man who left relative wealth and success to join the Vedic monk lifestyle at an ashram in Mumbai, India. This book gives some of his story, some life lessons, and his thoughts in general.

Think Like a Monk
Think Like a Monk

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed the book. In fact, I was on several long plane flights with a nasty case of poison ivy and I found his breathing techniques very helpful.

The real gem I found in the book was the perspective on introspection. What do we really need and what do we really want? I believe it is a very good idea to sit down and really think about your life from time to time.


It was a fun read. I would recommend it to anyone.



Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain was published in 2013. The following was taken from Barnes and Noble.

Drawing on important new research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology, Siegel explores exciting ways in which understanding how the brain functions can improve the lives of adolescents, making their relationships more fulfilling and less lonely and distressing on both sides of the generational divide. taken 5 June 2021

My Thoughts

I was surprised by this book in that I didn’t get that much out of it. It’s true Dr. Siegel spends some time talking about adolescents but none of it was really a revelation. Perhaps I’ve read too much of this kind of literature but it seemed like this was more about how the brain works than specifically how the adolescence brain works or what to do about it. The author peppers the book with personal stories and observations. Most of which seemed to be effective in getting across his message.


It was okay. If you are unfamiliar with how the brain is organized and how it changes through normal development, this may be a good book for you.

What it is Like to Go to War


Published in Sep of 2011, What it is Like to Go to War is a book about the psychological impacts of war and becoming a warrior. The author (a Vietnam veteran) makes the argument that we should do a much better job preparing our warfighters for what they will encounter in theater.

What it is Like to Go to War
What it is Like to Go to War

My Thoughts

Certainly, a thought-provoking book and one set in its day. It had been 10 years after the 911 era and the author draws a number of parallels to his time in Vietnam. The more I learn about that war and how our warfighters were treated, the sadder it becomes. It is interesting that the trend of remote war is becoming more and more prevalent as the Marines are deactivating their tanks and towed artillery batteries. There have been so many changes that it is only natural we won’t be able to adjust. Particularly, as we’ve all had a year of being sequestered from others. The term I hear most often these days is “resilience.” We say it is important but I’m not sure we know how to get there…


It is an important topic but the content is dated.

Embrace the Suck


Published in December of 2020, Embrace the Suck is a book about taking on and overcoming the obstacles in life from the perspective of a former Navy SEAL.

Embrace the Suck
Embrace the Suck

My Thoughts

This was a decent read and pretty motivating. I felt he was a little over the top with some of his descriptions and language but I guess that’s par for the course. He had some practical applications which, had I followed them, would have made the read more impactful.


It was Ok

Left of Bang


Published in 2014, Left of Bang is the book outlining the ideas of the Combat Hunter program in the Marine Corps.

Left of Bang
Left of Bang

My Thoughts

A very interesting book but I believe the author is correct when he mentions how most people have already learned how to do this. I’ve had many conversations over the years with people who understand and who do not. When you’ve really been to a dangerous place, you tend to continue to be on alert. You continue to watch and observe. The Marines call this “situational awareness” and if they want extra attention put on it they say, “Put your head on a swivel!”

It is a hard concept to teach but a harder one two learn. To quote my old Sensai, “pain makes believers.” It has been interesting to see this program come and go in the Marine Corps.


I’m glad I read it but I’m not sure how much I got out of it. The biggest benefit was the jargon they used for the concepts they were illustrating.

How to Lead


Published in September 2020, “How to Lead” is written by David Rubenstein, a successful business leader and philanthropist. The book offers practical advice and insights on leadership, drawing on Rubenstein’s own experiences as well as interviews with some of the world’s most influential leaders in fields such as business, politics, and entertainment. The book covers a wide range of topics, including communication, decision-making, managing teams, and developing a personal leadership style. It also explores the qualities that make for effective leadership, such as vision, empathy, and resilience.

How To Lead
How To Lead

My Thoughts

The discussions were very interesting and I learned a lot. That said, there wasn’t much of a common thread in the interviews. The thoughts on success were as varied as the people that were interviewed. At least some had the courage to admit the role of luck in their success…


This was an interesting book but not a good one if you want to learn how to lead.

The Practice


Published in November of 2020, “The Practice” is a manual to get creative people building and doing the work. It outlines the difference between an amateur and a professional when it comes to their work.

Shipping Creative Work
Shipping Creative Work

My Thoughts

This book had my mind racing about what I could be doing and want to be more intentional with my time and talents. I really do believe that anyone can be good at something if they put the time in. However, to be really great… The book would have you believe it is all about the hours and I believe that is partially true. I agree with Tony Robbins that if you, “have a big enough why you will figure out the how.” That “why” gives you the passion to keep putting in the practice. Of course, a little talent wouldn’t hurt either…


Great book and worth the time.

Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets


Published in October of 2020, “Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets” is a self-help book written by Andy Stanley, a renowned author and pastor. The book offers practical advice and guidance on decision-making, drawing on insights from psychology, neuroscience, and the author’s own experiences. Stanley argues that many people struggle with decision-making because they lack a clear framework for making choices and often base their decisions on emotion rather than reason. He offers a simple but powerful approach to decision-making that involves clarifying one’s core values, gathering relevant information, and considering the potential consequences of different options. The book also provides tips on overcoming common obstacles to good decision-making, such as indecision, fear, and a reluctance to admit mistakes.

Better Decisions Fewer Regrets
Better Decisions Fewer Regrets

My Thoughts

I liked the style of writing as he was self deprecating and approachable. There was a lot of wisdom packed in there and a lot of experience as he works with people as a pastor. One of the things that stuck out to me was the advise on waiting a year before any kind of dating after a divorce. I wonder where I would be now if I had followed that advice…


Great book to help you evaluate where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

Your Blue Flame


“Your Blue Flame” was published in April of 2020 by Jennifer Fulwiler who has a radio talk show on SiriusXM and is a standup comedian. In this book, she challenges readers to follow their passions and do the things they were meant to do in this life.

Your Blue Flame
Your Blue Flame

My Thoughts

First, I had never heard of Jennifer Fulwiler and had no idea what the book was about. (It was listed under Biography which it sort of is.) As I started into it, I thought, “Oh great! Another you-can-do-it book”. It was just that but, this time, I actually thought of a couple of things I’ve been meaning to do.

This book had my mind turning and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t think I would but I was wrong.

Of course, there are problems with just following your passion and Jennifer did a good job of giving some ideas about it. However, some things just have to be done. For example, someone has to clean the toilet. I’m sure that isn’t their “blue flame” or what they were meant to do. However, I have 3 boys, that toilet needs attention…


A good read. Particularly if you need some motivation.

What Makes a Marriage Last


This compilation of marriage advice was published in May of 2020 just as we were settling into our pandemic lockdowns. Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue interview the famous who somehow managed to avoid divorce throughout their storied careers.

What Makes a Marriage Last
What Makes a Marriage Last

My Thoughts

It took me a few days to get through it. Not because it was hard to read or wasn’t interesting but rather, it caused me to stop and think about things in my own marriage and circumstances for a bit. My poor wife had to endure me giving her bits of advice I had picked up from the book.

This book wasn’t really a deep dive into marital psychology. It was sort of like your great aunt giving you advice on your wedding day. You realize it is likely good to know but until you’ve had some experience, it doesn’t really seem to apply. I’ve spent over 20 years being married so I was listening a bit better this time around.


I liked the book and it was worth the time to read. However, I’d imagine those of you who can name more YouTubers than celebrities likely won’t have any idea who most of the people are (including the authors).