Emotional Inheritance


Written by Galit Atlas, PhD, Emotional Inheritance is a book about the psychological damage that can be inherited across the generations or even from those around you.

Emotional Inheritance
Emotional Inheritance

My Thoughts

I can’t say I cared for it at all. She makes the case that we unconsciously pick up our family’s emotional baggage and it can carry on over the generations. Her parents immigrated from Iran and Syria to Israel in the post WWII formation so she had some interesting stories to tell about family issues. I have read a few books about epigenetics in that area and wasn’t too surprised that she wrote in with an opinion on it in USA Today. However, I thought she played pretty fast and loose with some of the ideas and downplayed the good that can come from opposition. Of course, everyone should be in therapy if you buy in to everything these folks are telling us. I’m just glad to see the rise of the term “post traumatic growth” in some of these publications. It reminds me of the emotional equivalent to George Carlin’s take on strengthening the immune system.


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