Go Set A Watchman was published in 2015 and immediately went to the New York Times Best Seller’s list. It was actually written some 70 years before and some believe it to be the first draft of “To Kill a Mocking Bird”. The author passed away a year after releasing the book.
My thoughts
This work certainly didn’t read like something released in 2015. Some of the themes presented aren’t in line with the revisionist version of history seen in contemporary fiction. Oddly enough, even though it was written well before my time, it makes a very timely and relevant point. Very few of us are willing to stop and listen to the other side, politically speaking.
The coming of age story is of note as well. I remember when my ex-wife finally cut the apron strings of her mother. It was a similar event of flashing anger and cursing. We were all the better for it after it happened but it wasn’t fun in the meantime. I don’t really think this is something everyone has to go through. I certainly hope my kids won’t have to come to that level of irritation before they realize they are separate people with their own path. I wonder if I’ve figured that out myself…
This book was only a couple hundred pages so it goes by fast. However, I didn’t really enjoy it. It sparked some reflection so it has some value but I don’t know it was worth the time and effort.