Published in September of 2021, “Legacy Earth” is a science fiction novel by author Mike Buzzell. Set in the year 2256, the story follows the adventures of a group of humans who have been living on a distant planet for generations after Earth was destroyed in a catastrophic event. When they discover evidence that Earth may still exist, a small team is sent on a dangerous mission to confirm the discovery and possibly reclaim their ancestral home. Along the way, they encounter unexpected allies and enemies, and must confront the consequences of the choices their ancestors made in order to survive. The novel explores themes of environmentalism, the search for identity and belonging, and the impact of technology on society.
My Thoughts
This was an interesting book as it took several liberties with history and the military to build out a possible scenario for the future. It took a bit to get started as the main character is a little too good for belief. He doesn’t seem to slow down as the book goes on but the other characters become more likeable as they become fleshed out. There were a few things that were discordant to me which likely shouldn’t have been given that it is set 500 years in the future. Still, my exposure to Marines makes me less-than-sympathetic to people who haven’t done their research on their culture. I got over it though.
It was a good enough book for me to get in the door to the series. Let’s see where it goes from here.