Prentice Alvin


Prentice Alvin is the 3rd book in the “Alvin Maker” series by Orson Scott Card. Published in 1989, it tells of Alvin finally able to apprentice as a blacksmith in the town where he was born. He finds friendship in a young boy named Arthur Stewart who was the son of a runaway slave. Alvin continues his formal education from the local school teacher and he catches a glimpse of what it means to be a “maker.”

Prentice Alvin
Prentice Alvin

My Thoughts

Fun book. Alvin had learned a lot about how to be a man in the previous book but this story gives him the chance to live it. He learns the lesson early on about how destructive it is to hold hate in your heart and let it fuel your actions. Alvin does his best to be a truly good person which is all any of us can do.


If you’ve read this far, you are likely hooked.

Red Prophet


Published in 1988, Red Prophet is the 2nd book in the “Alvin Maker” series. Alvin is still a child but he ends up accompanying “Lolla-Wossiky” who later becomes Tenskwa-Tawa and meets his brother Ta-Kumsaw.

This book gives an fictionalized version of the Battle of Tippecanoe and talks about the people who made it come to pass. Including the then Governor William Henry Harrison who later becomes the ninth President of the United States. In this version, the name the Natives call him is “White Murderer Harrsion.”

Red Prophet
Red Prophet

My Thoughts

This book is an interesting look at Native American religion and beliefs. I’m certain it would not stand up to the standards of today where everyone is offended on behalf of someone else. I wonder what a Native American would think of this story…


I enjoyed it

Seventh Son


Seventh Son is the first book of the “Alvin Maker” series by Orson Scott Card dealing with a slightly different version of the early 17th century America. One where George Washington was beheaded, the South is ruled by England, and the United States is a much smaller place.

Originally published in 1987, Seventh Son is the story of Alvin Miller who was the seventh son of a seventh son. As such, he has a “knack” with things or more specifically he has powers others do not.

Alvin is swept up in much of the Native American wars in what we would know as Indiana in the early 1800s.

Seventh Son
Seventh Son

My Thoughts

I read this book back when I was a teenager, as it was one of the books we had around the house. I was immediately drawn in as I am the seventh son and it was fun to think I might have some hidden powers…

This time around, I was more conscientious as to the background of the book. I could see how the America in the series was slightly different than the American history I knew. Far from being an irritation, it made the story that much more fun.


Great read

Left of Bang


Published in 2014, Left of Bang is the book outlining the ideas of the Combat Hunter program in the Marine Corps.

Left of Bang
Left of Bang

My Thoughts

A very interesting book but I believe the author is correct when he mentions how most people have already learned how to do this. I’ve had many conversations over the years with people who understand and who do not. When you’ve really been to a dangerous place, you tend to continue to be on alert. You continue to watch and observe. The Marines call this “situational awareness” and if they want extra attention put on it they say, “Put your head on a swivel!”

It is a hard concept to teach but a harder one two learn. To quote my old Sensai, “pain makes believers.” It has been interesting to see this program come and go in the Marine Corps.


I’m glad I read it but I’m not sure how much I got out of it. The biggest benefit was the jargon they used for the concepts they were illustrating.

The Time Traveler’s Wife


Published in 2003 and made into a movie in 2009, The Time Traveler’s Wife is a book about a man who keeps jumping forward and backward in time.

The Time Traveler's Wife
The Time Traveler’s Wife

My Thoughts

The premise was an interesting literary device but that’s really all the good I have to say about the book. The science was ridiculous, the language was foul, and there wasn’t a lot of morality in the characters. There wasn’t much that I could identify with so in short, I didn’t like it.

My wife asked me if I had heard about this book before and I hadn’t so I decided to read it. I had no idea they made a movie until I did the background searching after reading it. Such a sad surprise…


The worst book I’ve read in a while.

Ender’s Shadow


Ender’s Shadow was written somewhat to give some depth to the screenplay for Ender’s Game. Originally published in 1999, it followed the other book by a full 14 years.

Ender’s Shadow is the story of of Ender’s Game from the perspective of one of the main characters, “Bean”. It shadows Bean through his upbringing and how they used him to help Ender to his goal.

Ender's Shadow
Ender’s Shadow

My Thoughts

I didn’t even know this book existed but I read the postscript after Ender’s Game stating why it was written. Having read “Speaker for the Dead” and “Xenocide” before, it was part of the Ender saga story I hadn’t been exposed to as of yet.

It was a good book but not amazing. It makes sense why it was written and why it was important to give some perspective to the movie. Having known this beforehand I think I liked the book better than I would have otherwise. I will wait till I finish all the books before I see the movie but I’m more excited having read this.


This isn’t an important read but I enjoyed it.

Ender’s Game


First published as a short story, Ender’s Game was published as a novel in 1985 but was first published as a short story a decade before. It is a science fiction story of an Earth in the future which has been invaded by aliens. These aliens were repelled but the humans want to be ready for the next time. Thus they build there military arms and look for the commanders of tomorrow. Ender Wiggin might be one of those commanders if he can survive the training.

Ender's Game
Ender’s Game

My Thoughts

Such an enjoyable book. We teach a course using it at the Marine Corps University to spark discussion about tactics and such. I first read it when I was 10 or so and enjoyed it even then. Now, several decades later, I was still able to get into the story and enjoy it again.

I particularly enjoyed the post script in this version of the book with Orson Scott Card telling the story of how the movie came to be. That was worth the read and gave me a lot more respect for the author. I resolved to read the rest of the series based on that feeling.


A must read for every young man

A World in Disarray


Published in January of 2017, A World in Disarray is a sobering view of geopolitics from Richard Haass who is an American diplomat and has been president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003. The book outlines the major struggles and players of the world at the time President Trump came into office.

A World in Disarray
A World in Disarray

My Thoughts

As the book started, I thought this was very dated material. It is amazing how much has changed since early 2017. I think few people have really been paying attention of how the United States has moved throughout the international community during the Trump administration. There was real fear with Russia, North Korea, and China before he took office. While there are still issues there, we aren’t anywhere close to what existed as he took office.

That said, it is vital we keep looking back to history to instruct our steps forward. In our hyper-connected world, we seem to be so swayed in the thoughts and trends of the moment that we forget these roads have been traveled before. We can watch how they play out and it isn’t pretty.

I’m very interested to see where we go under the Biden administration. Will the world powers took to the United States for guidance? Will they the respect us? Fear us? Perhaps they will simply disregard us as we squabble over the ridiculous and eat ourselves alive with a runaway debt.


A great book and a snapshot of the times

A Memory of Light


The 14th and final book of the Wheel of Time books. Published in January of 2013, the series was completed and the readers get to know what happened between the Dark One and the Dragon Reborn.

A Memory of Light
A Memory of Light

My Thoughts

Sadly, the final book was a bit of let down. Sanderson brought a few themes from the 20teens that really didn’t need to be there. (I won’t go into it here because the thought police are active…)

The ending was an ending and it wrapped up quite a bit. That said, there is always plenty of story to continue if someone feels the inclination.


If you’ve already read the last 13 books, what’s another 900+ pages?

Towers of Midnight


Published in Sept of 2010, Towers of Midnight is the thirteenth book in the Wheel of Time series. The group works their way toward the last battle and Rand starts unifying the forces of light.

Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight

My Thoughts

There was almost as many questions raised as there were questions answered in this book. Moiraine and Thom? Really? What’s with the Eelfinn and Aelfinn? Wasn’t that needlessly complex to get the gholam? Anyway, the pieces on the board were set for the last book and that’s all I wanted from it.


Almost done…