Published in Oct of 2005, Knife of Dreams is the eleventh book in the Wheel of Time series. Much like book ten, there is a lot going on. Notable events are Rand’s maiming and Mat becoming nobility.
My Thoughts
I enjoyed Mat more and more in this book. I don’t like the Seanchan and though this book humanizes them a bit, I felt like it didn’t go far enough. It was an easy read in that it pulled me along.
Published in 2003, Crossroads of Twilight is the tenth book in the Wheel of Time series. A good deal is going on as several characters are working on their various problems.
Perrin is still trying to save his wife. Mat finally finds out who is “the Daughter of the Nine Moons”. Elayne tries to secure her throne. Rand is resting after cleansing the power. Egwene leads the rebel Aes Sedai in maintaining the siege of Tar Valon.
My Thoughts
I was really swept along with the story in this book. There is so much going on, the 800+ pages weren’t enough to describe what happens next. (I guess that’s why there are another 4 books.)
Published in Nov of 2000, Winter’s Heart is the ninth book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. After the Dark One’s unnatural heat has been dissipated by the “Bowl of the Winds”, the world is covered with an increasing cold.
My Thoughts
Very exciting so far, this book raced by without seeming too much happening. Still there was a lot of character development and I’m slowly enjoying Matt more and more.
Published in Oct of 2008, The Path of Daggers is the eighth book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series. The shortest book of the series with a mere 687 pages.
Rand is crowned King of Illian and the Dark One’s heat is finally removed by the use of the “Bowl of the Winds”.
My Thoughts
A good book and worth the read. A lot happens in the relatively few pages. The Sea Folk are brought into the story and we learn more and more about the Seanchan. Faile is kidnapped by the Shaido at the end which made by jump to the next book.
Published in May of 1996, A Crown of Swords is the 7th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Rand is accompanied by Min throughout most of the book and becomes needed in his quest. Lan comes back and is given a new purpose. Elaine and Nynaeve search for the “Bowl of the Winds” and Mat finds he doesn’t like to be the one being chased.
My Thoughts
There were a couple of big changes in this installment. First, there seems to be a whole lot of people who can channel. That’s quite the departure from what we’ve been lead to believe so far. There are 1000+ ladies in Ebou Dar? There are suddenly hundreds of men who can channel? Very strange… Second, folks are starting to get along. (Though they are still pretty petty.)
I was glad that Nynaeve can finally channel without having to get angry. That was getting tiresome. On that note, I still don’t see what Lan sees in her. That little love story bothers me. It’s too convenient and doesn’t seem to be based on anything.
Published in Oct of 1994, and over 1000 pages long, The Lord of Chaos is the sixth book in the Wheel of Time series. The book sees Rand captured and abused by Aes Sedai from the tower. He is freed by his friends but he will never trust quite the same. Perrin comes back into the story and his fame grows. Egwene becomes the new Amyrlin over the broken rebel faction of Aes Sedai and she makes Nynaeve and Elayne Aes Sedai as well.
My Thoughts
I like how Egwene grows in this book. Her time with the wise ones seems to have been well spent as it has prepped her to deal with the Aes Sedai who want to use her. You have to feel for Rand as he has to go through some real abuse at the hands of the Reds.
Published in Sept of 2020, the Writer’s Library is a collection of interviews with writers and their favorite books.
My Thoughts
Apparently, I don’t have a lot of sophistication because this was really hard to get through. In fact, I didn’t get much from the book. These people came across as pretentious and snooty. I understand I read a lot of trash but I’m going to have to add this one to that number.
One day I will learn that I don’t have to finish the book. I kept coming back to it over weeks and it just seemed to keep going.
Published in Oct of 1993, The Fires of Heaven is the fifth book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. This book sees Rand firmly placed as the “Car’a’carn” or chief of chiefs over all Aiel but the Shaido. He has to catch them before they lay siege to the rest of the world. The White Tower is broken and a new Amyrlin Seat begins to rule. The forsaken (Rahvin and Moghedien more specifically) are still loose and must be dealt with.
My Thoughts
This one took me longer to get through than I would have expected. It kept me interested but hasn’t been my favorite thus far. The illustrations are pretty bad on the cover which bothered me more than it should have done while I was reading it.
The version I read was published in 2009 and is story of the beginning of the Korean War and how the 10,000 Marines of 1st Division fought their way through 100,000 Chinese soldiers. More specifically, how Captain William Barber and the 234 Marines of Fox Company held the Toktong Pass against all odds.
My Thoughts
This is the modern day equivalent of the Battle of Thermopylae. The Marines held the pass against incredible odds and some made it out to tell the story. This book is foundational to the ethos of the United States Marines. They celebrate the pure grit it took to hold when anyone else would have run.
A good read if you want to understand the Marine Corps. The books is graphic so it should not be read by children.
Book 4 in the Wheel of Time series, The Shadow Rising was first published in September of 1992. Robert Jordan shows how prolific and author he is by turning out this 1000+ page book in less than a year from the last.
The Shadow Rising begins setting the stage for the coming battle prophesied with the proclamation of the Dragon Reborn.
My Thoughts
This book took me more time to get through then it likely should have. However, I really enjoyed the experience. I was compelled to keep reading as I was drawn into the story.
It did take a few to get going though. There was a lot that occurred but really this book was just positioning everyone for the next book. (This is why I believe I stopped reading the series when it came out back in 1993.)