Published in 2006, The Hope of Elantris by Brandon Sanderson is a short story that serves as a companion piece to his novel Elantris. The story is set during the climax of Elantris and provides additional perspectives on the events from the point of view of a minor character, Ashe, a seon, who plays a critical role in aiding the protagonists. The narrative expands on the magical and political intricacies of the world, offering a deeper understanding of key moments in the main novel.

My Thoughts
This was a quick short story and a welcome diversion as I am wading through the Ancient Greek philosophers and their thoughts. Luckily, it hasn’t been long since I read Elantris and I could easily recall the plot points and characters to quickly come up to speed in the story. Typically, I don’t include short stories into this blog but this one seemed good enough to include.
Sanderson is a master of bringing the reader into a story and making them care about the personalities in the book. This short story was no exception. Who wouldn’t care about what happened to the children in Enlantris after they were all healed?
A good read but it wouldn’t stand alone. You must read Elantris first or it won’t make any sense.